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Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee Minutes 2/20/2013
Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
February 20, 2013 – Minutes
6:00pm - SSU Central Campus - Enterprise Center Training Room B

Attendees:      David Coleman, Marcia Lambert, Adria Leach, Joseph O’Keefe, Jim Rose, and Josh Turiel

Absent: Maureen Call, Jason Doviak, Jack Hoar, Robert McCarthy, and Shawn Newton

Guests: Joe Berry (Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.)

Councillor Joseph O’Keefe to chair in absence of Mayor’s Chief Aide

  • Library/Learning Commons Update – Joe Berry, Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.
  • Construction
  • Interior work is progressing. Landscaping and final grading will occur in the spring of 2013
  • Building will be turned over to the university at the end of June
  • Phase II Demolition
  • Bids for the phase II demolition have been received and are in negotiations.
  • The university requested that the March meeting of the SSUNAC be moved to March 27 at 6 p.m. so that the contractor can present a work plan for the phase II demolition.
  • Timeframe and scope is not determined at this time. There were a variety of proposals submitted and schedule will depend on EPA approval. The contractor expects to have a better sense of schedule and scope by the March 27 meeting.
  • Comments:
  • One member reported concern with Saturday work during the demolition, especially if it is to take place over the summer. There is construction fatigue in the neighborhood, especially in the summer months when campus is   quieter.
  • What happens with hazardous materials? – The amount of remaining hazardous materials is minimal. There are strict regulations that will guide how this material is removed. The removal is a highly controlled activity that includes air and vibration monitoring. Details on the process will be discussed at the March 27 meeting.
  • Fitness & Recreation Center – Adria Leach
  • General
  • The project is progressing and the steel is up. The contractor will work on detailing steel in the coming weeks and will enclose the building with tarps and heat in order to pour concrete slabs.
  • Concrete pours will include 10-11 trucks and may run into the evening with finishing work.
  • Roofing and exterior facades are expected to begin at the end of April.
  • A member asked for the height of the building including the roof mechanicals for the March meeting.
  • Neighborhood Disturbances
  • One member mentioned landlord issues on Gardner Street that the CIU was working on. Adria reminded the group that the CIU and the university have a close working relationship and the university would follow up on any issues presented by the CIU.
  • Alumni Field Lights
  • There are no updates on the alumni field lights.
  • Snow Emergency Parking
  • Councillor O’Keefe requested an update on snow emergency parking at Salem State University. Adria Leach reported that the university set aside 100 spaces in the O’Keefe Center parking lot for snow emergency parking. This parking is reserved for Salem residents. Snow emergency parking is only allowed in the designated spaces and a permit is required from Salem State University Police. There are no permits left for this winter season. Any unauthorized cars that are parked in any university lot are subject to ticket and tow.
  • Raymond Road Traffic Study
  • Dunkin Donuts Window Treatment Meier Hall
  • Off-Campus Parking Update
  • The next meeting of the SSUNAC will be on Wednesday, March 27, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.